Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Beware of Pharisees
“Be careful,” Jesus said to them. “Be on your guard against the yeast of the Pharisees....”
- Matthew 16:6
The leaven of the Pharisees is a show of religion. They are like dead bones on
the inside but on the outside, they have the look and appearance of piety and
spirituality. Their character lacks true love and devotion to God.
Everything they do is to be seen by men. “They make their phylacteries wide and
the tassels on their garments long” (Matthew 23:5). They need to be placed in
the seat of honor at gatherings. They enjoy being called by a title. They are
blind guides. They are filled with greed and self-indulgence, hypocrisy, and
They pray out in the open to be seen by men. They babble and use many words in
order to give a good impression, but Jesus knew that it was all a performance
and he called them “hypocrites” (Matthew 6:5).
Jesus warned his disciples not to be like the Pharisees. He never intended for
us to depend on the rudiments of religion—He wants to have a real relationship
with us. Our trust is in the marvelous grace of God, not in our own religious
Further Reading
- Matthew 6:5-8
- Matthew 23
- Galatians 5:6-13
- 2 Timothy 3:5
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